(520) 449-4663 Land@solutionfinders.com
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Property Investments Nationwide

We Specialize in Land Investing
We work with our development partners creating everything from a single home in neighborhood to designing new subdivisions.
We also will construct apartment complexes and business centers including innovative industrial complexes.

Solution Finders

About Us

Our Team

Land and Development Specialist

Megan Dalton

Megan oversees the team and coordinates with our buyers, sellers and development partners. She brings over 21 years of real estate experience to the business.


Annette McCullough
Elliott Kelly
Kelly Kerby
Veronica Sandoval

Research and Support Staff

Anne Visperas
Dzey (Jay) Ponce
Ellaine Morales
Maria Cagutom
Sadab Rahman
Saddy Alif

A person does not grow from the ground like a vine or a tree, one is not part of a plot of land. Mankind has legs so it can wander.

Roman Payne

But land is land, and it's safer than the stocks and bonds of Wall Street swindlers.

Eugene O’Neill


Empowering Visions, Building Futures.

Our mission is to be the trusted partner in the journey of buying and selling land. With unwavering integrity, we commit to providing exceptional value by understanding our clients’ unique needs. We envision more than transactions; we envision partnerships. 

Our focus extends beyond the exchange of land; it’s about creating spaces that fulfill dreams. We are dedicated to developing land with a purpose – transforming possibilities into reality. Together, we build not just structures but lasting relationships, ensuring that every piece of land we touch becomes a foundation for the dreams our clients aspire to.

Let’s build your dream home. Together

Laser Focus

We bring laser focus to the land purchase experience, ensuring you find the right piece of land that aligns seamlessly with your vision. We are dedicated to the art and science of identifying, evaluating, and securing the most promising plots with meticulous attention to detail. With a commitment to understanding your unique needs, we navigate the landscape of possibilities, ensuring every acre we explore becomes a potential canvas for your dreams. We can zero in on exactly the right piece of property for the right price